Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans Why we saw TV and monitor screens so clear but it looks so hazy on camera? 181 views 1 Ans if cells exposed to oxygen die? 196 views 3 Ans Where does used water go? 239 views 4 Ans why does car paint scratch so easily? You can leave an ugly mark with a piece of plastic that wouldn’t do anything to, say, wall paint or enameled kitchenware. 231 views 2 Ans When does harmonic currents appear and why? 218 views 3 Ans How does lip balm work? 252 views 1 Ans Eli5 Why does thinking/focusing make you want to poop? 188 views 3 Ans Why does the immune system attack the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, in the case of individuals with Type 1 Diabetes? 185 views 5 Ans how the drag and drop to upload files on pc’s work 310 views 1 Ans ELI5, what is the difference between “active” and “passive” touch screens, and how come all stylus aren’t universal across different devices? 145 views 1 Ans ELI5, what is the difference between “active” and “passive” touch screens, and how come all stylus aren’t universal across different devices? 0 views 26 Ans If we make skin and muscle cells when we heal cuts and heal/generate bones after breaking them, why wouldn’t we be able to grow a finger if one is cut off? 875 views 12 Ans When cars were originally being made and designed, why was “gasoline” used rather than crude oil, especially since it was what came from the Earth? 619 views 12 Ans When cars were originally being made and designed, why was “gasoline” used rather than crude oil, especially since it was what came from the Earth? 0 views 1 Ans What is modular scale? 154 views 11 Ans eli5, What are hedge funds ? 641 views 2 Ans How come shelled nuts seem to only last a few weeks before spoiling while peanut butter and almond paste last for months? 160 views 12 Ans Why can’t we grow all our crops using vertical farming already? 588 views 10 Ans eli5 Is steam the best way to turn turbines, or is it just the best thing we are most familiar with? 333 views 6 Ans why were we taught to wash behind our ears as kids? It’s such an insignificant sized area from your body? Was it taught to everyone so kids with glasses wouldn’t be singled out? 329 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,375 2,376 2,377 2,378 2,379 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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