Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans How does not buying plastic disposable items/meat make a difference? 307 views 4 Ans Why is it that high schoolers just ~30 years ago look so much older than high schoolers today? 395 views 2 Ans If simple words cannot be trademarked, then why do we have videogames with their names trademarked like Mafia, Grand Theft Auto, Battlefield, Control and so on ? 219 views 3 Ans What is e-waste? 274 views 4 Ans How do they build dams on rivers if there’s nothing stopping the water from flowing while they are building? 288 views 1 Ans What causes people to pass out from fear on roller coasters? 170 views 5 Ans How comes there is nuclear fuel waste when uranium stays radioactive for hundreds of years shouldn’t we be able to use the same fuel rod until 2122+? 310 views 4 Ans eli5 Why Hospital are name like Memorial 352 views 6 Ans eli5: why can some airlines stop over a country and then continue on another country? 387 views 3 Ans if there is a shortage for sand in things like construction or landscape why not just turn the sand from desert in to glas then grind it down to sand (to rough up the circle grains) 270 views 4 Ans eli5: Why is fiber so much better than copper for data transfer? 283 views 3 Ans How were bridges across cliffs in old days? 237 views 6 Ans eli5 How do waterproof phones work? Why are most phones only waterproof for a certain period of time? 354 views 4 Ans How in Belgium there are water shortages after 3 weeks of good weather and Spain/Italy,.. where the sun always shines there doesn’t seem to be that big of an issue 249 views 14 Ans Why do unemployment statistics only count people who want to work and not the actual number of unemployed people? 757 views 4 Ans What is it inside a computer that gets the electrons in the wire leading to a speaker wiggling back and forth? 268 views 1 Ans why is boiling water sometimes perfectly still? 163 views 1 Ans How do they determine the size of the entire worlds population? 164 views 8 Ans Eli5: How do blackholes form and exist? 506 views 4 Ans why Plato asserted that the Greek gods were “perfect” despite many stories, legends, and myths where they were fallible and “immoral” 300 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,409 2,410 2,411 2,412 2,413 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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