Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 5 Ans eli5 why brain memory is imperfect but computer memory is near perfect 302 views 3 Ans How can two relatively healthy people with similar lifestyles, when both infected with a disease, have different reactions to the sickness? 239 views 4 Ans eli5: difference between socket and a port 311 views 4 Ans Why are humidity and clouds different? Why is one invisible while the other isn’t? And why would humidity not clump together like clouds do? 272 views 5 Ans why do Supercars and superbikes have very less mileage as compared to normal cars and bikes 295 views 3 Ans Why does a fans blades go practically invisible when the fan is on? 239 views 2 Ans ELi5 What can a malicious person do with my ID number (either if they are from the same country or in a foreign country) 219 views 2 Ans : Large number on notes 240 views 2 Ans eli5: how do some countries get to the point of having crazy inflation? 197 views 9 Ans How can something (ie. light) have volume and energy, but no mass? 444 views 4 Ans eli5: How are resistors, capacitors and coils placed on integrated circuits? 283 views 5 Ans Eli5- mirror vs back camera 330 views 11 Ans eli5: Why does wet earth (like right after rain) absorb more water then dry earth (like right after a drought)? 563 views 2 Ans How police/FBI choose which people retrieve classified information in searches? 182 views 8 Ans ELI5, wont we run out of “resources” to make more people ? 410 views 4 Ans How can we see so far away with telescopes? 295 views 2 Ans : How does chromatography work? 235 views 6 Ans How does water from a tap/shower get colder? 344 views 5 Ans How are weight limits on chairs and other things tested? 292 views 5 Ans why and how do gears on a bike work? Why does it give more / less resistance for going up and down hills? 296 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,457 2,458 2,459 2,460 2,461 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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