Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 4 Ans Why do TV cameras suck at low light 260 views 34 Ans Eli5: how exactly can companies enforce non-compete contracts? How is it their business what company you go to, and how would they even know? 1.34K views 2 Ans How do Scientists study small objects like molecules and atoms? 191 views 1 Ans eli5 how a country taking a loan in a currency it cant produce affect it 276 views 5 Ans How does four wheel steering work? 350 views 5 Ans how do you ‘short’ currency? 273 views 3 Ans How does super glue (or any such products) don’t stick to the equipments making them? 203 views 7 Ans Why do we feel like we sing better in the shower? (weird question I’m sorry but I’m curious) 326 views 1 Ans [eli5]how do trains get delayed when they are traveling and how do they catch up 147 views 7 Ans When you mix two liquids 50/50, and one has a freezing point of 20 Celcius and the other has a freezing point of 0 Celcius, does the new liquid have a freezing point of 10 Celcius? 404 views 1 Ans what is the Submerged Lands Act and what does it do 160 views 5 Ans How do currency values work in relation to other currencies? 266 views 3 Ans – How does Xanax stop you from having anxiety? 216 views 6 Ans What chemical reaction do drugs have (in particular MDMA) that makes us more sociable and why can’t people just “be like that” when they’re sober? 279 views 1 Ans : What is process of UK’s pound hitting record level low after announcing huge tax cuts? 149 views 8 Ans What does kg x m/s mean? 403 views 3 Ans Eli5: Why is 8am colder than 11am if the sun has been out the whole time? 637 views 9 Ans eli5: why does a car get 35mpg, but a lawn mower 2? 450 views 6 Ans eli5: How did society form to give the greatest benefits are to very small portions of the worlds population a way that be , and has it always been like this. 308 views 11 Ans Eli5, the British pound has hit an all time low. I am traveling to the UK next month from the US. If I change my US money to sterling will things cost me more or less? 563 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,536 2,537 2,538 2,539 2,540 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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