Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 17 Ans Why do we pay ISPs for internet speed, but mobile network operators for the amount of transferred data? 716 views 28 Ans What’s the difference between breathing in through your nose and mouth? And why it’s recommended to do it through the nose? 1.16K views 30 Ans how sailships can sail upwind. 1.17K views 18 Ans how do mushrooms and LSD work? 791 views 32 Ans Eli5: why haven’t we started considering or implementing large scale desalinization in response to our water shortages? 1.41K views 13 Ans How can fast food often contain so much salt, without tasting salty at all? 595 views 7 Ans Why do game developers struggle to optimize their games for PC even though games are made using a PC? 307 views 27 Ans How did Konami lose the source code for the original Silent Hill game? Why couldn’t they just datamine the source code from the retail copies of the game? 1.02K views 4 Ans What causes body aches when we’re sick? 207 views 1 Ans ELi5: Why can different types of fevers exist? Continuous, Intermittent, remittent, etc. Some can even diagnose the specific infection you have. 127 views 23 Ans eli5: Why do we not run heavily on solar energy as a society or at least in sunny places? 934 views 14 Ans Eli5: If water can’t be compressed under normal conditions, then how does water pressure work? 633 views 5 Ans eli5 So if the universe is constantly expanding and there is no void then what happens to light? Does it just get to the furthest expansion and wait for it to expand more? Does the expansion of the universe “stretch” light enough where it loses too much energy and stops? 356 views 4 Ans How does our brain keep track of time? 250 views 3 Ans Do we have the knowledge of how babies are thinking, what they understand etc.? 187 views 3 Ans eli5 why do we tear up when we feel sad? 216 views 1 Ans Why do pimples (zits) form inside the nose? Shouldn’t our nose be resistant to pimples, since it’s constantly sucking in dirt and other particles? 195 views 6 Ans Why is plain yogurt considered good for digestion? What’s it doing down there? 313 views 2 Ans Eli5 : Why are sparks created when microwaving metal? 176 views 1 Ans : Can someone explain me the difference between longitudinal,transverse and lateral directions ? 140 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,649 2,650 2,651 2,652 2,653 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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