Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 6 Ans What did horses do before farriers? 324 views 10 Ans How can a single ethernet cable running to a gigabit switch provide multiple connections with gigabit speeds? 847 views 20 Ans eli5: If plants and trees thrive on Carbon dioxide, and humans are producing more carbon dioxide, does that mean vegetation is benefiting from greenhouse gases? If not, how come? 775 views 3 Ans [ELI5] Steampunk and Steam Horror? 253 views 4 Ans ELI5-How do video game developers get bought by companies? 325 views 1 Ans What is the difference between derealization, depersonalization, and dissociation? Can a person have one without the others? 222 views 4 Ans How can a computer process use 399.6% of the CPU? Isn’t 100% the maximum? 346 views 6 Ans What makes the Tesla chargers better than other charging solutions besides availability? 296 views 3 Ans What is the difference between volcanic ash & ejecta? (if any) 245 views 6 Ans If one gram of fat contains 9 calories, and there are about 454 grams in a pound, how come 1 pound of fat is commonly equated to be about 3,500 calories instead of about 4,000 calories? 331 views 1 Ans How do we determine that certain products or events cause cancer (or other conditions/ diseases) when the effects are latent and dispersed across a population? 202 views 9 Ans ELI5- how does weight impact sweat? 437 views 1 Ans How does a pedometer distinguish steps? 210 views 40 Ans Eli5 Why are weeds so hard to kill while desirable plants so hard to keep alive? 1.59K views 1 Ans eli5: When a ballet dancer attempts to do the 180-degree leg stretch, and the coach pushes upon it, often with intense pain from the dancer. What are they breaking to overcome the stretch limit? 168 views 15 Ans Why would a person get sick after being injected with MRI contrast in their IV? 686 views 2 Ans Eli5 – What is Napier’s Constant? 222 views 9 Ans Eli5 What is the differences between early dementia and normal forgetfulness? 493 views 3 Ans Eli5: why is it easier to learn new languages as a kid than as an adult? 292 views 2 Ans How can scientists determine exactly what happens at really small scales inside our bodies? 211 views « Previous 1 2 … 2,997 2,998 2,999 3,000 3,001 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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