Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 25 Ans ELI5, why is going to bed super late bad for you if you still get the same amount of sleep? 871 views 10 Ans What is salesforce? 402 views 2 Ans why are wooden barrels convex instead of cylindrical (like steel drums)? 207 views 23 Ans why do models like ChatGPT forget things during conversations or make things up that are not true? 767 views 7 Ans Are some liquids surface tension so high they can be confused for a solid object? 302 views 3 Ans Why is there not a definate verdict about the superconductivity of LK-99 yet? 229 views 4 Ans Why do car manufacturers recommend only charging a battery to 80/90%? 249 views 22 Ans Why wouldn’t price caps work in stopping inflation? 784 views 7 Ans How does nuclear explosion affect the underwater wildlife? 330 views 3 Ans is it any better to drink an electrolyte drink post exercise or just have a decent meal with some salt on it? 237 views 2 Ans :how do hairs know when to stop growing 244 views 32 Ans – How does concrete/asphalt heat up to insane temperatures that are way above the actual air temperature? 1.11K views 1 Ans How are temperatures measured for geographic areas? 221 views 2 Ans Eli5: how is protein food made? 254 views 18 Ans eli5: How do (presumably very heavy) clouds stay suspended in the sky? More specifically how are they floating AND flat on the bottom? 664 views 4 Ans What exactly is solar wind? 249 views 3 Ans eli5; how do (built in) rechargeable batteries in a toothbrush or shaver last for ten years, but AA batteries die after 2 years of use? 200 views 2 Ans eli5: How do jobs like schools background check for degrees and transcripts if they use such outdated technology? 209 views 6 Ans eli5 How did the sun start emitting heat? 294 views 3 Ans why is exposure time a factor to how damaging to the ears a high dB sound is ? 250 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,046 3,047 3,048 3,049 3,050 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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