Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 3 Ans How come growing plants aren’t damaged by mold? 226 views 1 Ans Weird Circular reflection after squinting at a light reflection? 210 views 5 Ans Kernel Memory 243 views 3 Ans Considering the pain that comes along with passing kidney stones, why is sedation/anesthesia not an option during the operation? 268 views 7 Ans Aging in space 398 views 1 Ans in astronomy, what does it mean to cross correlate stellar spectra to get a radial velocity. 212 views 2 Ans three-dimensional euclidean geometry in regards to the universe’s shape 228 views 6 Ans Why do barrel’s (casks) have more hoops at the sides and not at the centers? 272 views 3 Ans in astronomy, what are bow shocks? 246 views 1 Ans How do insects or spiders find their mating partners? 201 views 1 Ans in astronomy, what is a datacube? 248 views 3 Ans why do stars usually form in groups called clusters rather than in isolation? 253 views 27 Ans ,How does higher frames per second like 10000 fps mean a super slow motion video?? 1.15K views 3 Ans what is white precipitate and why does it happen? 294 views 1 Ans why paper maché made with flour and water works 178 views 3 Ans when metals and acids are combined, why does it produce bubbles? 267 views 1 Ans What is ‘median follow up’ for a cancer research paper? 219 views 6 Ans Eli5: researching amphetamines and methylphenidates mentions isomers frequently, I don’t get the biochemistry of it 331 views 13 Ans What is the purpose of a neutral line in electrical wire? 631 views 9 Ans eli5 how do TV channels recoup money from sports deal? 416 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,134 3,135 3,136 3,137 3,138 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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