Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 2 Ans eli5 what is the biological/physiological difference between a medically-induced coma and a coma that the body slips into by itself? 412 views 10 Ans the nature of gravity in the sense of how it works in a 3D universe 798 views 2 Ans payola scandal vs radio stations today 398 views 8 Ans Why do people claim ketamine will have long lasting or permanent impact on your mental health, but other NMDAR-antagonists don’t? 737 views 33 Ans how huge food companies like Cargill and Mcdonald’s, etc. protect themselves from extreme price changes. 2.43K views 4 Ans Effect of a Tariff 614 views 3 Ans Eli5 why clouds always come together and darken when it rains 423 views 3 Ans how do tendons get repaired and how does cartilage get repaired? 468 views 8 Ans As far as I know we had 5 ice ages I know what caused them but how do we know we had those. (some million or thousands years ago.) 730 views 7 Ans Why do musical chords that have a “7” in them, have the same kind of tone? 658 views 1 Ans How does one motivate surgery theory? 343 views 3 Ans Why do amino acids supplements have 0 calories while protein has? 509 views 5 Ans Probability density 587 views 9 Ans ELi5: what makes a knife better than others? 898 views 6 Ans Eli5: why do planetary bodies rotates around axis? 657 views 3 Ans Clouds seem lower in the sky in fall and winter. Are they actually lower and, if so, why? 448 views 3 Ans – if I clap next to a flying gnat it is stunned and falls to the ground, why is that? 421 views 2 Ans Query about Myopia 434 views 2 Ans What exactly is international law? Is there a general reference for seeing what the specific laws are? 385 views 4 Ans How do animators (CG and hand drawn) match the characters’ moths to the voice (or is it vice versa)? 505 views « Previous 1 2 … 3,176 3,177 3,178 3,179 3,180 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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