Home Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 19 Ans Why is there a housing shortage? 904 viewsEconomicsOther 3 Ans Why do commercial popsicles have a “soft” texture as opposed to the block of ice freezing Crystal Light gives me? 263 viewsChemistryOther 16 Ans Why doesn’t a twinjet double decker airplane exist? 874 viewsOther 3 Ans Why do ants collect sticks, leaves, and other small things and what do they do with them? 238 viewsBiologyOther 2 Ans how tshirts without seam on the sides are made. 196 viewsOtherTechnology 13 Ans Eli5: The train is on a track that determines where it will go, so what does the Engineer do? 801 viewsOtherTechnology 2 Ans When we get an infection, such as the common cold for example, why do some parts of the body such as the throat become inflammed? 200 viewsBiologyOther 10 Ans Why are some Brands more expensive than others with the similar products? 430 viewsOther 0 Ans why do sports massages reduce pain in people who have inflammatory joint or muscle conditions? 114 viewsOther 8 Ans Why does the ocean have waves even when it’s calm? 503 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 7 Ans British Panel Shows. There seem to be so many across the pond with loose, looosely-related shows here and there in the US. What haven’t these panel shows become more poprular over here? 428 viewsOther 9 Ans What is the function of those tripod devices I see construction people using and staring through? 510 viewsEngineeringOther 7 Ans why does rainwater/storm sounds help people relax? 401 viewsBiologyOther 4 Ans Why is the Florida Secretary of State Position an appointed position? 281 viewsOther 8 Ans Why are multivitamins the same size as other vitamins that may consist of only one vitamin or mineral? 424 viewsOther 9 Ans If the sun is at it’s relative peak at noon, why does it take so much longer to set than it does to rise for at least half of the year? 587 viewsOtherPlanetary Science 1 Ans What is ActivityPub and how does it work? 188 viewsOtherTechnology 3 Ans Why we don’t find frozen dinosaurs? 238 viewsBiologyOther 3 Ans Why is the sea (and sky) blue? (Assuming they are blue because of the same reason) 381 viewsOtherPhysics 12 Ans Why does time seem to go so much faster when we get older? 617 viewsOther « Previous 1 2 … 53 54 55 56 57 … 3,197 3,198 Next » Question and answer is powered by anspress.net
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