Biology Biology 2327 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveClear Filter 24 Ans Eli5: Why does weed make many adults feel paranoid, overwhelmed, etc. while it acts like an escape or stress relief for others? 278 viewsBiologyOther 13 Ans : why little salt in water hydrates you but too much salt in water dehydrates you? 125 viewsBiologyOther 17 Ans If early humans found out that if they cooked meat it was better for them, why did it take thousands of years for us to find out about germs? 145 viewsBiologyOther 3 Ans How and what is medical coding? 61 viewsBiologyOther 6 Ans why do some animals adopt other animals that are obliviously from different species ? 69 viewsBiologyOther 7 Ans why does heat cause molecules to move/vibrate? 86 viewsBiologyOther 5 Ans Why does pressure stop bleeding? 82 viewsBiologyOther 2 Ans Can a human live without a microbiome? 49 viewsBiologyOther 8 Ans Differing animal weights in relation to life span 98 viewsBiologyOther 6 Ans Why do some injuries never heal, or take so many months/years? 88 viewsBiologyOther 23 Ans what causes gray hairs? 160 viewsBiologyOther 6 Ans if dinosaurs were reptiles and cold blooded, what would cause the evolutionary step to become warm blooded and birds as it’s said that birds are the closest living relatives of dinosaurs. 65 viewsBiologyOther 5 Ans Why do autumn trees of the same species change colour at different times? 50 viewsBiologyOther 9 Ans Pimple Stickers 85 viewsBiologyOther 2 Ans – why do both dogs and cats display “tuxedo” coloration so often? 19 viewsBiologyOther 7 Ans Why doesn’t Hypochlorous Acid damage skin cells when used topically? 74 viewsBiologyOther 22 Ans How does adderall work to allow you to get stuff done? 260 viewsBiologyOther 32 Ans Hormone triggers are responsible for burning fat, right? Why aren’t there drugs that exploit and supercharge this process? 132 viewsBiologyOther 17 Ans Why did bunnies evolve to hop? 158 viewsBiologyOther 0 Ans Steps of Endochondral ossification vs Intramembranous Ossification 33 viewsBiologyOther 1 2 3 … 116 117 Next » Question and answer is powered by
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