16bit v. 32bit v. 64bit operating systems


What’s the difference, and will we one day have 128bit systems?

In: Technology

5 Answers

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Computer processors simply follow long recipes, and each line of the recipe is called an instruction. Instructions usually tells the processor to read a number from memory, add two numbers or store a number back into memory and similar.

umbNers are stored as bits in a computer. A computer with 16 bits allows numbers from 0 to 2^16=65535 to be handled and stored, while a 32 bit computer will handle and atore numbers 0 to 2^32 = 4294967295. This has implications for what kind of problems the computer can solve. Also, it has an implication of how large of a memory the computer can effectively use since to acces memory, the computer will use numbers to look up the data.

64 bit computers has amaximum memory size of 2305 petabytes. with W2 gigabytes being common and moores law in effect, we will need 128bit computers in not too many years given that the demand keeps up.

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