A notable interaction between European settlers and indigenous peoples throughout history is spreading diseases native people have no immunity to. Why was the spread of indigenous diseases to European settlers much less widespread/well known?


A notable interaction between European settlers and indigenous peoples throughout history is spreading diseases native people have no immunity to. Why was the spread of indigenous diseases to European settlers much less widespread/well known?

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7 Answers

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Proximity to animals and close cohabitation plus maritime expansion that exposed Europeans to a more diverse group of pathogens over time allowed for European immune system to become more resilient to new foreign invaders. ( no pun Intended) But that’s not to say Europeans didnt suffer from new diseases during their colonial expansion years. Yellow fever and malaria made short endings to many long trips to africa and americas. The ships were filled with men and gear when they sailed out but sailing back into port the ships were filled with plundered riches and a skeleton crew of those few who survived the journey.

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