About the vertical wind turbines installed in the center of highways to use traffic as a source of wind power.


doesn’t it cause more air drag on the vehicles ? I’m guessing it might be very small but multiplying that by thousands of cars everyday doesn’t it indirectly produce more greenhouse gases than it helps saving ?[highway vertical wind turbine](https://youtu.be/LZrzJXas61E)

In: Engineering

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The drag on the car isn’t going to change a ton, the air on the highway is relatively stationary unless a car is actively traveling through it. The car loses energy to a variety of things from just base fuel consumption to rolling resistance to air resistance, increasing air resistance by 1% doesn’t increase fuel consumption by 1%, but all those wind turbines do cost a lot of money to build and maintain.

The bigger problem is that they produce squat for power. They capture wind in maybe a 2 meter x 0.5 meter area for 1 m^2. A wind turbine with 50 meter long blades (common these days) captures 7800 m^2 There’s a reason we use big spinning discs for power generation rather than the vertical ones

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