Advantages of HIIT vs Advantages of LISS

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The impacts and advantages of HIIT vs LISS- does it really matter which one you choose for overall longetivity and health? What does the science say?

In: Biology

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As far as I understand, scientifically there’s no real major statistical significant difference in ‘end result’ between the two if they’re both done properly and consitently.

HIIT is trendy right now and gets pushed a lot, the main benefit is that it doesn’t take as much time – which is great for busy people.

The downside is that it is kinda gruelling to actually do, it’s honestly hard to consistantly push “High Intensity” instead of going too easy on yourself and losing a lot of the benefits.

LISS is the “old and boring” of cardio, it’s not exciting and it’s not trendy so it doesn’t get talked about as much.

It’s easier than HIIT, harder to ‘do wrong’ and generally less likely to cause injury – but it’s a much bigger time sink and for a lot of people also really boring.

It’s an annoying answer but like with most fitness and diet related things the only thing that matters is that you’re able to stick to it consistently, so just choose whatever works best for you and fits best around your lifestyle.

A little of both is probably optimal.

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