: After we die, do our immune system and every cell inside our body die alongwith us or do they just stay there roaming inside us until we get decomposed?


: After we die, do our immune system and every cell inside our body die alongwith us or do they just stay there roaming inside us until we get decomposed?

In: 1180

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Contrary to popular belief death is not instant. Let’s say you get hit in the head so hard your brain basically looks like a bowl of spaghetti. Obviously your brain is done for. What few parts of your brain that may be in tact enough or fully in tact will keep running for a few minutes but you’re dead, the vital systems that turn air water and food into energy are over which means what energy is in your cells at that moment is all they’ve got. As for your immune system specifically it won’t last long even compared to the relatively short shelf life of your longer living cells. Why won’t they last long? Great question! There’s 2 answers 1. They are very aggressive and that takes lots of energy 2. They’re designed to multiply fast this takes just about the most energy you can think of so naturally they’re gonna do what they’re programmed to do and burn through their small reserve in a minute and that’s a stretch

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