: After we die, do our immune system and every cell inside our body die alongwith us or do they just stay there roaming inside us until we get decomposed?


: After we die, do our immune system and every cell inside our body die alongwith us or do they just stay there roaming inside us until we get decomposed?

In: 1180

12 Answers

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That’s actually what decomposition is! The two main modes of decomposition are called autolysis, which is when your cells simply begin to die and eat themselves, and putrefaction, which is when all the bacteria and other microscopic organisms that made up your internal ecosystem begin to eat your corpse. If you see a lot of corpses, you’ll even begin to notice that there is frequently bluish/greenish discoloration around the lower stomach area as a result of the concentration of organisms that live there rapidly eating their way through. (I used to do autopsies and death investigations)

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