Alpha/Beta/Omega in fanfiction. Wtf is it?


I am a fan content creator in a couple of communities and recently I’ve been getting a lot of requests for A/B/O or Alpha!(character name) and Beta!(other character name) or some such.

I have seen glances into this scrolling past it, and from the tag “knotting” I’m gonna assume this is some wolf or furry alternate universe trope?

Someone please explain I’m so confused but knowing the internet I’m kinda scared to look it up, but don’t want to miss out on potential commissions. Help.

In: Culture

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It comes from the animal kingdom alpha beta and omega.

Alpha: the top of the clan (Very dominant personality usually.)

Beta: Basically the middle of the clan. Gets what ever is left over by the Alpha. (Both Dominant and Submissive)

Omega: The bottom of the clan. Gets whatever is leftover from everyone, if anything at all. (Usuallu a very submissive personality)

It is usually used with animal like characters to bring it closer to the animal kingdom.

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