(and ELI10 too): is gluten pro inflammatory?


So, I tried asking it in askscience and my post got deleted, so I’m assuming this is a dumb question even though I’m just trying to understand a topic full of pseudoscience and it’s not a very uncommon assumption that gluten is just bad for health.
What I know is gluten can induce inflammatory response but for those who already have intolerance or allergy to it, but I’m not sure and nutrition is a very hard thing to get an answer for because there are a lot of misleading information. So, can anyone clarify this for me? I’ll gladly read some scientific articles too.

In: 31

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I believe it is considered inflammatory for people with celiac disease.

There are some other food product concerns as well; genetically modified (GMO) foods like, corn and wheat, unhealthy, cheap cooking oils contained in many store bought products including – canola oil (unless expeller pressed/and organic), soybean oil, cottonseed oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil – as they are harvested and extracted by highly caustic commercial acids, which cause inflammation.

As you get older, these inflammatory products cause disturbances to your healthy gut bacteria, the nexus of your immune system, and create or exacerbate problems such as heart disease, arthritis, and other health issues.

The sad part of this, is that most doctors have little or no knowledge of preventive nutrition. Instead, they focus only on treating or medicating illnesses…after the damage is done.

It pays to learn about this, because between harmful insecticides like “Round-up” a known carcinogen, continuing to be deployed by farmers, sometimes just to dry out foods before harvesting, as it makes their job easier. It is virtually impossible to completely remove or wash off, these cancer causing pesticides from fresh vegetables and fruit, and they are even present in non-organic breads and cereals…even oatmeal.

It made a believer out of me; no fast food – none, mostly organic foods, and only cook with healthy oils and products made with healthy oils, such as avocado, EVOO, coconut, etc.

Almost every supermarket carries products both good for you, and possibly very bad for you, you have to know what to avoid.

I’m still learning.

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