(and ELI10 too): is gluten pro inflammatory?


So, I tried asking it in askscience and my post got deleted, so I’m assuming this is a dumb question even though I’m just trying to understand a topic full of pseudoscience and it’s not a very uncommon assumption that gluten is just bad for health.
What I know is gluten can induce inflammatory response but for those who already have intolerance or allergy to it, but I’m not sure and nutrition is a very hard thing to get an answer for because there are a lot of misleading information. So, can anyone clarify this for me? I’ll gladly read some scientific articles too.

In: 31

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gluten is not generally inflammatory. The exception is if you have an genetic mutation that causes an immune disorder called celiac disease that causes your body to attack the lining of your gut when you eat gluten. It’s a lot more profound than being simply being inflammatory. A genetic test can confirm it.

Outside of that, people often complain about “gluten sensitivity”, which was long believed to be a psychiatric issue because tests showed that people that complained of gluten sensitivity were able to consume large quantities of gluten without incident. The problem with those studies was, of course, that they gave people gluten, and people were complaining about when they ate foods that had wheat (or other grains in it). Later studies suggest that some people were experiencing discomfort from bacteria in their gut fermenting certain carbohydrates in their diet (generally from foods that also contain gluten, though gluten itself had no role).

So, it appears some people get digestive issues (particularly gas and bloating) when they consume certain starches and complex sugars. This isn’t an inflammation response as such, but it can make them uncomfortable.

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