(and ELI10 too): is gluten pro inflammatory?


So, I tried asking it in askscience and my post got deleted, so I’m assuming this is a dumb question even though I’m just trying to understand a topic full of pseudoscience and it’s not a very uncommon assumption that gluten is just bad for health.
What I know is gluten can induce inflammatory response but for those who already have intolerance or allergy to it, but I’m not sure and nutrition is a very hard thing to get an answer for because there are a lot of misleading information. So, can anyone clarify this for me? I’ll gladly read some scientific articles too.

In: 31

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Gluten isn’t a problem unless you have some specific issues with your digestive system, like Celiac Disease.

It’s more complex than something like a sugar, but that doesn’t mean it’s hard to digest for regular people.

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