and ship anchors


An oil tanker drops anchor and the anchor imbeds itself sufficiently to keep the tanker in a stable position. How does the tanker pull up the anchor if the movement of the tanker itself wasn’t enough force to pull it up?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When dropping anchor you also drop a lot of rode (heavy chain). If the water is 100′ deep then you want to drop 700′ of rode. Most of it is lying on the bottom of the ocean. When the wind or current pushes the ship, the rode provides most of the stopping power, with friction along the bottom and with its weight. As the ship gets pushed, it tries to lift the heavy road off off of the bottom.

When want to lift the anchor, the boat slowly motors towards the anchor, lifting the rode. When it is directly above the anchor, it rotates and breaks free. (Rarely it doesn’t and you need to cut it free).

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