Anonymous/ Q something?/ hacking?



I’ve searched around and I know so little that I can’t even understand some of the posts I’ve found.

I’m inadvertently getting conspiracies, confusing explanations, and strange message boards. That’s not what I’m looking for.

I see “Anonymous” trending on Twitter, and I’ve seen “QAnon” (??). Please forgive me if that’s not right.

I’m not looking for conspiracy theories, but what this actually IS.

Thank you in advance, and pardon my ignorance.

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sorry, “what it is” is a label shared by conspiracy theorists and anti-government types. It’s not an organization like al Queda or the Masons, more like calling yourself Illuminati.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anonymous is a group of “hacktivists” that originated on 4chan that hack groups that they consider opposed to their interests. They haven’t been very high profile for the last few years. They’re trending now because of hacking related to the protests/riots currently occurring.

QAnon is someone who presents himself as an “insider” in the US government spinning insane conspiracy theories to his followers as “the truth.”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anonymous is the name many online people use when they don’t want to be known. Some people tried making a group out of it but everyone being unknown led it to being unorganized and thousands of people joining in. This group includes many hackers and people just trying to cause chaos in general. It often starts trending when they expose a big secret that surprises a lot of people.