Anti-Cheat Software


– What constitutes as cheating in online games?

– How does Anti-Cheat Software work?

– Why is being anti – anti-cheat software common?

– Why do I always see talk about writing their own implementation of Anti-Cheat in a game?

In: Technology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

*Why is being anti – anti-cheat software common?*

because there’s a lot of sad bastards around that feel the need to cheat to have an advantage over others and to make themselves feel good.

Anonymous 0 Comments

1: altering the experience in any way that wasn’t intended by the developer often to gain an unfair edge if the game is a multiplayer scene.

2: Most anti cheat solutions work by hooking into the game’s process and checking for any attempts to tamper with the data coming in(too see if erroneous data is trying to sneak in ie: “i just one shotted everyone in this map”), while also checking the integrity of the files used by the game’s process(to see if any of the files was tampered with.), most basic solutions will upon detection just terminate the process immediately followed by kicking the offending user out of the game session. If this service is connected to a server it also flags that user and block any further attempts to connect.

3: Because its a race between the developers and the people attempting to hack into their game, and its honestly a losing race for the devs, the best they can hope for is making it so attempting to cheat in their game is simply not worth the effort + rely on user reports.

4: you have companies dedicated to providing anti cheat solutions meant to be used as middleware(a piece of software meant ot be used in another application), but those face the issue of being mostly similar across all the games people know they are in. for this reason some studios might choose to implement their own anti cheat solution and keeps its details private.

Anonymous 0 Comments

•Using unfair means, gaining advantage knowing other player location(in game, not their home address), using software to help you score or aim.

•By deploying algorithms to differentiate human actions and non human actions (clicking speed, aiming accuracy) and identifying running cheat engines.

•pls elaborate

•In house anti cheat system provide addition security layer as it being new takes time to find exploits and deploy cheats and updates and patches are fast.