– Are all neurons brain cells?


To clarify, are the neurons in our brain the same kind of cells as the neurons throughout our nervous system, or are they different based on physical location? I know the size/length varies, but otherwise are they structurally the same?

If they are different, what differentiates them?

And if they are the same, would it be accurate to say that we have brain cells throughout our entire body? Why or why not?

I have been trying to search this but I’m not finding clear answers.

Thank you!

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Anonymous 0 Comments

All neurons are not brain cells and not all brain cells are neurons.

Some neurons live in your spinal cord and stretch throughout your body with their arms (axons).

Some cells in your brain are glial cells which provide support and protection to the neurons. Some are like janitors in your brain. Some are like the rubber on wires that keep the electricity in (myelin sheaths).