Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?


Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I love Monsters and Bangs. I drink 1-2 a day for the taste. Off topic: I’m curious though, coffee/energy drinks/caffeine straight up doesn’t affect me. I feel no difference afterwards and can literally go to bed directly after drinking one.

Other people say they get the jitters and all hyper and stuff but I’m over here drinking it for the taste and wondering why it doesn’t actually give me “energy” or keep me awake

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Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I love Monsters and Bangs. I drink 1-2 a day for the taste. Off topic: I’m curious though, coffee/energy drinks/caffeine straight up doesn’t affect me. I feel no difference afterwards and can literally go to bed directly after drinking one.

Other people say they get the jitters and all hyper and stuff but I’m over here drinking it for the taste and wondering why it doesn’t actually give me “energy” or keep me awake

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