Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?


Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Worked long ago in a supplement store. Other posters have mentioned it, but it absolutely true: not all drinks are created equal. Some are high sugar (bad), some are absurdly high caffeine (also bad). Sometimes, drinking them too frequently creates a diminishing return due to caffeines effect on your body and creating more of a crash and you end up just trying to remedy conventional caffeine withdrawal.

There are drinks that are better than others and moderation is key; if anything due to diminishing returns and withdrawal symptoms or too much caffeine too frequently. If I am remembering right, drinks like Xyience, Bang, Reign, and sugar free Red Bulls aren’t too bad and can have enough caffeine to be helpful.

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Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Worked long ago in a supplement store. Other posters have mentioned it, but it absolutely true: not all drinks are created equal. Some are high sugar (bad), some are absurdly high caffeine (also bad). Sometimes, drinking them too frequently creates a diminishing return due to caffeines effect on your body and creating more of a crash and you end up just trying to remedy conventional caffeine withdrawal.

There are drinks that are better than others and moderation is key; if anything due to diminishing returns and withdrawal symptoms or too much caffeine too frequently. If I am remembering right, drinks like Xyience, Bang, Reign, and sugar free Red Bulls aren’t too bad and can have enough caffeine to be helpful.

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