Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?


Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Moderation is key. I used to work alternating day/night shifts at my old job and would routinely drink 2 cans of Bang (300mg caffeine EACH, essentially almost 2 monsters or 4 red bulls) during 12 hour shifts to remain alert.

That was bad.

But once in a while, an energy drink is not a big deal for your health. Its like having a coffee, soda, and a bunch of vitamins, as has been said.

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Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Moderation is key. I used to work alternating day/night shifts at my old job and would routinely drink 2 cans of Bang (300mg caffeine EACH, essentially almost 2 monsters or 4 red bulls) during 12 hour shifts to remain alert.

That was bad.

But once in a while, an energy drink is not a big deal for your health. Its like having a coffee, soda, and a bunch of vitamins, as has been said.

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