Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?


Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a can of energy drink as “chug 4 cups of coffee, swallow a handful of multivitamins, and eat a scoop of sugar”. “Bad for you” is a relative scale, but I should hope it’s pretty obvious that they’re distinctly leaning away from the “healthy” end of the spectrum.

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Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a can of energy drink as “chug 4 cups of coffee, swallow a handful of multivitamins, and eat a scoop of sugar”. “Bad for you” is a relative scale, but I should hope it’s pretty obvious that they’re distinctly leaning away from the “healthy” end of the spectrum.

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