Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?


Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all energy drinks are the same and the answer can really only be meaningful in a lifestyle context.

If someone takes an energy drink prior to their daily gym regimen or their daily 5km run, it probably isn’t doing any harm and probably even helps.

If they’re taking a few energy drinks to stay awake to sit down and play their video games for 8 hrs straight and do this regularly, then the energy drinks are probably not helping.

How “good” or “bad” things are is nearly always a question of moderation and context.

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Are energy drinks bad even if consumed moderately?

In: 48

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all energy drinks are the same and the answer can really only be meaningful in a lifestyle context.

If someone takes an energy drink prior to their daily gym regimen or their daily 5km run, it probably isn’t doing any harm and probably even helps.

If they’re taking a few energy drinks to stay awake to sit down and play their video games for 8 hrs straight and do this regularly, then the energy drinks are probably not helping.

How “good” or “bad” things are is nearly always a question of moderation and context.

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