Are kilograms and liters equivalent?


Just today I’ve noticed in the wrap of my liquid soap there’s a “290g/300ml” on it. Weren’t those two measures supposed to be equivalent? Or have they lied to me my whole life? Lol

In: Chemistry

12 Answers

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They are not equivalent in general.

Kilograms are a unit of mass measuring how heavy something is while liters are a unit of volume measuring how much space is needed to hold something.

You might have thought they are equivalent as one liter of water weighs one kilogram (approximately depending on the temperature—and thus density—of the water).

Some things like gold are denser than water and thus weigh more than a kilogram if you have a liter of it (a cube with side lengths 10 centimeters or around 4 inches is one liter).

Other things like the soap you looked at are less dense and thus weigh less than a kilogram per liter.

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