: Are large planets and asteroids also able to bend light? And if so why is it not noticeable?


: Are large planets and asteroids also able to bend light? And if so why is it not noticeable?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Anything with gravity can change the direction of light, the smaller the mass the smaller the effect

It’s just so small it’s practically 0

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. Gravity bends light.

Not a whole lot, though. Even the gravity of the sun barely does it. An asteroid is nothing. Even large planets are basically nothing compared to the sun. That’s why it’s not noticeable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why can’t you YOU notice it? You probably don’t have the equipment. But theyre out there bending light. It’s subtle so you have to know what you’re looking for

Anonymous 0 Comments

Atmospheres bend light as well. There’s a whole theorized technique of using planetary atmospheres as a telescopes called terascope.