Another question to this. Is a “boy family only” really true. I have a friend, he has four uncles (no aunts on Father’s site), has 2 brothers(no sister), 1 nephew and his wife got pregnant. To the question if it’s a boy or a girl he laughed and said that his family only gets boys. AND his wife gave birth to a boy…. Grandfather on the Father’s site doesn’t have sisters, too. How is this possible if it’s around 50/50????
There is a very weak difference in chances depending on if the woman is not ovulating yet, if the sperm is X and not Y they tend to last a tiny bit longer whereas Y are a very slight bit faster to get to the egg if the egg has already left the fallopian tubes.
The difference is so small it is practically negligible.
I recently read that external factors can skew the odds slightly. If a woman is experiencing famine, for example, then she’s slightly more likely to have a girl than a boy.
It’s unclear if that’s due to fewer y-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizing eggs when nutritional conditions are bad or whether male embryos are more prone to miscarriage due to nutritional deficits.
Not a real answer to your question, but my great great grandma had 4 boys (0 girls), my great grandma had 6 boys (0 girls), my grandma had 7 boys (0 girls), my mom had 5 boys (0 girls), and I have 2 boys (0 girls, wife pregnant with 3rd but haven’t let the doctor tell us the sex yet – wife really wants a girl). My 4 brothers also have a total of 3 kids so far (2/1/0/0), all boys.
I feel like my jizz should be studied or something. Pretty sure the odds of that happening are effectively 0%. I feel like there’s gotta be something going on.
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