Are the chances of getting a boy or girl equal?

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When a woman is pregnant, is the chance of having a girl or boy equal 50/50? Or are there like some biology stuff determining the odds?

In: Biology

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not quite, but it’s close. Boys are very slightly more likely to be born, but also more likely to die young. By early adulthood the ratio is basically even.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another question to this. Is a “boy family only” really true. I have a friend, he has four uncles (no aunts on Father’s site), has 2 brothers(no sister), 1 nephew and his wife got pregnant. To the question if it’s a boy or a girl he laughed and said that his family only gets boys. AND his wife gave birth to a boy…. Grandfather on the Father’s site doesn’t have sisters, too. How is this possible if it’s around 50/50????

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a very weak difference in chances depending on if the woman is not ovulating yet, if the sperm is X and not Y they tend to last a tiny bit longer whereas Y are a very slight bit faster to get to the egg if the egg has already left the fallopian tubes.

The difference is so small it is practically negligible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was taught that males have a higher mortality across all age groups, and that in order to counter that, evolutionary pressure caused there to be a slightly bigger amount of boys born.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I recently read that external factors can skew the odds slightly. If a woman is experiencing famine, for example, then she’s slightly more likely to have a girl than a boy.
It’s unclear if that’s due to fewer y-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizing eggs when nutritional conditions are bad or whether male embryos are more prone to miscarriage due to nutritional deficits.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Not a real answer to your question, but my great great grandma had 4 boys (0 girls), my great grandma had 6 boys (0 girls), my grandma had 7 boys (0 girls), my mom had 5 boys (0 girls), and I have 2 boys (0 girls, wife pregnant with 3rd but haven’t let the doctor tell us the sex yet – wife really wants a girl). My 4 brothers also have a total of 3 kids so far (2/1/0/0), all boys.

I feel like my jizz should be studied or something. Pretty sure the odds of that happening are effectively 0%. I feel like there’s gotta be something going on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is officially 105 boys for 100 girls but maybe there are other factors? A aunt of mine birthed 15 children. All males. What are the odds?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I (make) have 4 brothers and no sisters

My dad has 2 brothers and no sisters

My uncle has two sons and no daughters

My grandpa has 2 brothers and no sisters

So on a personal level the answer feels like “hell to the no”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Random right. If number of males are less than females then naturally female would mate more with male who has good record of producing male and vice versa..