As Francium is the most unstable element, how much more energy will it generate if it is split compared to, let’s say Uranium?


As Francium is the most unstable element, how much more energy will it generate if it is split compared to, let’s say Uranium?

In: Physics

5 Answers

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About the same as uranium, but it is *much* harder to split because the nucleus is smaller. Half life from radioactive decays and energy released from fission are not related. You can’t split it with neutrons in the way you can split uranium, you would have to shoot particles at high energy into the francium nuclei. Not impossible but then you use more energy than you get out – even in a hypothetical scenario where you would have access to macroscopic amounts of francium. In fact, if you would have that by some magic then you could just use francium’s radioactive decays. No need to split anything.

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