Back in the day, what did people do with their horse after they rode them to work or school?


Edited to add: Jane Fonda was interviewed on Armchair Expert and mentioned that she rode a horse to school.

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10 Answers

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The specific arrangements varied based on individual circumstances, it wasn’t 100% common to go to work on a horse, because the distances were very short. A few centuries ago it was common to leave your horse in a public stable or hitching post, they were everywhere, or hiring a private stable for them to take care of the horse. It was normal to leave them free too in a designated pasture or field, this was an open area with fences around it. In the big cities carriages were pretty normal too, specially from the wealthiest, but overall horses were just tied to a post that had some grass an water. Keep in mind that jobs and schools where pretty different back in those days. Children in rural areas were home schooled or attend to schools with less hours compared to modern standars, and in urban areas schools were closed to residential neighborhoods, so walking was the most common method of transportation, and carriages in the wealthier areas.

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