– Bar (pressure) and size/width


Hello everyone.

I have a question, which I have no idea how to search for, regarding pressure.


1 bar is equal to roughly 10 metres of water

If I have 2 different pipes with water, first is Ø10cm and second is Ø10m, will both have 10 metres of water with 1 bar or will they be different?


The way I understand it, bar is “overpressure” (or underpressure), which means both pipes will have 10 metres of water with 1 bar, but the bigger pipe requires more energy to get to 1 bar, compared to the smaller pipe.


I’m really bad at explaining, sorry for that.

In: 1

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Are the pipes vertical or horizontal? Are they under external pressure or are we only talking about pressure from the weight of the water? You’ll need to provide a bit more background info to explain what you mean.

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