– Besides satisfying curiosity, what’s the big deal with the James Webb Space Telescope?


10 billion for a telescope with a lifespan of max 10 years seems like a waste. Are we going to get any info that’s going to make life better on this planet or is this all just a big curiosity satisfier?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’ll be doing what is known as fundamental research. Fundamental research leads to………….. who knows. It’s fundamental and not practicable research.

So why not spend money on practicable research?

Where do you think the practicable research comes from?

That’s right, fundamental research.

So why not just do fundamental research which will lead to practicable research?

Because you can’t know that in advance.

So what could it lead to?

Well, a greater understanding of how the universe formed which could lead to new ideas in physics and then those new ideas in physics will lead…………. we’ll see.

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