Besides wealth, what other things seperate the upper class from the other classes?


What I mean by that, from my understanding, wealth is just one part of it, they are socialized completely differently, do different things and there are certain “tells”. For example, someone who wins the lottery is very different than someone born and raised upper class. Can anyone explain?

In: Culture

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just the wealth, fundamentally.

Everything else – travel, hobbies, exclusive education, social experience, etc. – are all opportunities that only exist because of the wealth. Even better diet and access to healthcare leading to just a healthier person is wealth-based in many jurisdictions. Take two people of equal intelligence and qualification, but give one a lifetime of healthy diet, access to an orthodontist, better clothes and a more expensive hair care regimen, and see how the two do side by side when vying for the same job, right?

As for tells like the behavior of lottery winners, its about being conditioned to wealth: If you’ve always had more than enough money, a sudden windfall is unlikely to change how you manage it. (And you’re likely already in a peer group of other wealthy people who model this behavior to you.) People who live paycheck to paycheck who come into sudden wealth haven’t had that kind of life training. nor have people in their circles who would have that kind of experience.

It’s just the money.

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