Blue blocking glasses.


How do I still see all of the blue colors when wearing my reading glasses with a blue blocking coating on them? I can see the solid blue reflection from my computer screen on my lenses when looking at myself through my phone camera. So the filter seems to be working but the colors I see don’t seem to change with or without the glasses.

In: Technology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of the blue blocking glasses you buy are not genuine, I’ve even seen them be sold with a card that is supposed to be used as proof that they are working – but the card was faked

I’m not sure what you’re asking or what the utility of them would be – for your screens that emit blue light you can use software that alters the colours to reduce the blue (but unsure if this does anything to the backlight) and for reading books I would have thought that using lightbulbs with a lower colour temperature would be enough to prevent issues, if you are reading outside in sunlight sunglasses may be a good idea. The science behind the whole blue light thing is faulty at best anyway

edit: I think this was the video I saw with the card [](

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