Browsers sometimes won’t load page because there’s problem with certificate. What are these certificates and who issues them? Why it’s dangerous to open page with invalid one?


Browsers sometimes won’t load page because there’s problem with certificate. What are these certificates and who issues them? Why it’s dangerous to open page with invalid one?

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

**Certificates** are certain digital proofs issued by Authorities like – CA (Certificate Authority) to companies that host websites on the internet. They provide a proof to your browser that yes this site is what it claims to be (the browser crosscheck with that issuing authority). For ex: Yes this is a legit reddit site.

Browsers have a way to verify that the proof provided is correct and valid in terms of the longevity of the certificate (dates). It’s dangerous to open a site without a valid certificate because of **Phishing** scams – where people make a duplicate site of the original, in order for you to punch in your passwords and other important information. So the Browser will warn you if it sees an invalid or expired certificate.

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