: Can a bullet fall down vertically if shot from the back of an airplane with the same speed ?


Let’s say that an airplane is going at 1200mph, and you have a gun that supposedly fires bullets at 1200mph, there is another airplane tailgating you and you decide to shoot it from a window in the back of the airplane, is it true that the bullet will not hit the airplane but instead fall down vertically with no force ?

This is purely hypothetical

Edit : I remember getting this idea when I was in 8th grade, about when 2 forces have the same intensity and opposite directions they get nulled ? I don’t remember that very well lol

In: Physics

5 Answers

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The net speed of the bullet compared to the ground would be zero (well, 9.8 m/s^2 vertically), so from an observer on the ground, it would appear to fall vertically.

But, the second aircraft would be travelling towards a “stationary” bullet at 1200mph, which would be the same as a stationary plane being shot by a 1200mph bullet, if it hits.

Collision would depend entirely on the angle the bullet was fired, the distance between the planes, and the height of the second plane.

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