Can animals of different species understand each other?


Is the relationship between animals of different species ‘understand’ and communicate with one another or is it like us where we can only can gauge off of behaviour, body language etc.?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Depends on how far ‘understanding’ goes. Mammals, like horses for example, use body language. I can understand when a horse is happy, content, angry, etc.

A horse can understand when I am nervous, content or angry. I can even communicate a bit, when I want him to go away or come closer.

One of the easiest signales most animales have is: get away from me! Most animals will get that (not all).

But some signals are contradictinng, for example between dogs and cats. So they don’t understand eachother as well.

Now, most animals don’t have a language for complex ideas. Chims have their own sign language, dolphines, whales, and some birds also seam to have more complex language. Other animals won’t understand that. When I talk about something, a dog won’t understand me. Buf if I lean forward and talk very enthousiastic, a dog will understand I want to play.

Tldr: other animals can (sometimes) understand basic body language, but not the more complex verbal and non-verbal language.

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