Can animals of different species understand each other?


Is the relationship between animals of different species ‘understand’ and communicate with one another or is it like us where we can only can gauge off of behaviour, body language etc.?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Humans take too much pride in their ‘language’, so much that they stopped communicating with other species.

Think about it. Animals don’t need a language to communicate. Bugs with poison have bright colors, ‘telling’ their predators to not eat them. There’s a type of moth that when detecting a bat’s high frequency sounds, send back a certain frequency saying, ‘I have poison. Don’t eat me’. That’s communication.

There’s also common actions between species. Cuddling and licking is a common sign of nearly all mammals saying ‘I am comfortable around you’.

Relaxed eyes and lying own comfortably means ‘I am full and comfortable so I will not eat you’.

Like this, animals communicate. Humans, full of pride and stupid philosophies just ignored everything and did their own things.

Edit: communication between the same species can be as complex as a human’s language. Bat frequencies, octopi colour changing and bee dances carry al ot of meaning

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