can anyone explain me the butterfly effect?


can anyone explain me the butterfly effect?

In: Physics

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Interesting reading other people’s takes. I’m going to try and dumb it down even more, but if you’re interested, it belongs to the wider topic called chaos theory.

In short, it’s just saying that a ridiculously small change in input could give you drastically different results. The system is so sensitive that even a *butterfly flapping its wings can cause a rain storm*.

It’s like a drop of water on your knuckle. You’ll drop 2 drops in the “exact same” position and one will slide down the back of your hand and one might go to the left. It’s just due to a tiny change in where you dropped it (due to wind, or even your pulse moving your hand a tiny amount). To humans, it looks “random”.

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