Can anyone explain the Turritopsis Dohrnii to me? The “immortal jellyfish, and one of the only immortal animals that we know of, but how? If it’s considered living then how does it not die?


Can anyone explain the Turritopsis Dohrnii to me? The “immortal jellyfish, and one of the only immortal animals that we know of, but how? If it’s considered living then how does it not die?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

From what I understand, and I could be wrong, they are “biologically immortal” in the sense that they would never die of old age due to how their cells are.

What makes them sweet is that they can revert back into polyps if they suffer any kind of trauma or non fatal injury, basically starting over. It would be like if we reverted back to a baby after losing like an arm or something. This poses risks of being once again super vulnerable though.

They are still vulnerable to disease and predation though, or damage too heavily sustained. I wonder what the longest one’s actually been alive for. I heard lobsters also share this feature.

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