Can anyone explain the Turritopsis Dohrnii to me? The “immortal jellyfish, and one of the only immortal animals that we know of, but how? If it’s considered living then how does it not die?


Can anyone explain the Turritopsis Dohrnii to me? The “immortal jellyfish, and one of the only immortal animals that we know of, but how? If it’s considered living then how does it not die?

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Heyyy yo,
So Jellyfish aren’t actually a SINGLE living organism, they are a colony. So when they are damaged they dead colony members fall away and new ones are born. Most creatures cant reassign adult cells, but this one can. So it can quickly repair itself.

So like, if you break a bone, you gotta wait for more bone cells to form, this jellyfish can take arm cells and make them head cells if needed. Weird.

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