Can Fire have force, and if not then why is it portrayed that way in media?


In many of the shows, books, games I experience, whenever fire is shown as a weapon by itself, it always seems to have physical force. It will knock the enemy back or will slam them into the ground in shows or games like Avatar and Dark Souls. Can it could actually have force enough to push someone back? If not why is it portrayed that way all the time?

I could never actually imagine fire doing having enough power to slam someone back. I always think it would just go onto you or gloss over/around you and light you on fire.

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Fire itself? No. But it can superheat air, which can expand and that can have tremendous force. As part of training, I was once in a controlled backdraft. There were about six of us crouched on the ground in a group, and a superheated pile of fuel smoldering at the other end of the room. It wanted to burn, but there was no oxygen. When the instructor opened the door to let in air, the blast pushed our entire group back about six inches.

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