Can left hand users practice their right hand to use in everyday life and vice versa?


Can left hand users practice their right hand to use in everyday life and vice versa?

In: 262

32 Answers

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Yes, they can. I am a good example of this, I am left handed since forever but can do things as a right hander.

For a time, I used to train writing with my right hand. I’ve becole pretty good at it as long as I trained, although I was slow, but my right handed writing was beautiful.

I practiced japanese fencing since very early childhood (*very* early) and, since my teacher was right handed, he taught me as a right hander. Now, I practice whatever the style of fencing – japanese, medieval european from italian and german school, Agrippa style rapier fencing or modern saber – as a natural right hander.

I can practice archery as both a left or right hander. My dominant eye is the left one, so I naturally am a left handed archer, but I taught myself to shoot both eyes open and “select the image I”see through”, so to say, so that I can deliberately “switch” to being a right handed and eyed archer, although this is not something that lasts : I have to specifically focus on my vision and select the right eye’s image each and every time I want to do it.

I recently got a job as a waiter and barman. I generally practice as a right hander and switch to my left when my arm gets tired of carrying the heavy trays. I see no difference in this useage.

Many things are made by right handers : almost every asymetrical thing is made to be more comfortable for a right hander. Left handers have to learn either to adapt their way to use the thing with their left hand or simply switch hands. I am the switcher type because I have two arms and there’s no way one slacks off while the other does all the job.

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