Can left hand users practice their right hand to use in everyday life and vice versa?


Can left hand users practice their right hand to use in everyday life and vice versa?

In: 262

32 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sure. I’m a lefty and I practice using my right hand plenty. Sometimes multiple times a day.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I sometimes fap with my left hand, but I’m naturally right handed, so I would say definitely if you practice or do something a lot.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes I’m pretty sure left handed people for centuries had to do this due to being accused of being evil.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My husband is left handed but does a number of things right handed when it’s more practical. He uses his right hand for a computer mouse, scissors, etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Southpaw here, I use my right hand a lot. Right eye dominant, but I trained to shoot left handed.

Interestingly, the word ‘ambidextrous’, meaning equal facility with either hand, literally means “both right hands”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

My brother was born right handed and when he was a teenager he taught himself to right with his left and now exclusively uses his left hand. Funny enough his handwriting is about the same for both, terrible lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

Absolutely. Growing up left handed, unless you bought your own, there really wasn’t that much left handed sports equipment that friends had or gym class offered. So I learned to play certain sports either right handed or ambidextrously.

Anonymous 0 Comments

my basketball coach told us to do this outside of basketball – for example, if we were righthanded, to start eating with our left hand.

it was definitely learnable and also helped with basketball.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. I am left handed but broke my left wrist just before some important exams. I had the choice of postponing them a year or trying to do them with my right hand. So, I practiced for a month and decided I was good enough to sit the exams. Got good grades.

Afterwards I went back to using my left hand and still do. I can still do a reasonable right hand but not as good as I could then.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I haven’t seen it mentioned yet but look up something called [Cross-dominance]( I like to call it ‘neither handed’ because I think that sounds funnier, but it’s when someone doesn’t have a dominant hand. It’s often confused with being ambidextrous, but that’s when you can do something with both hands. I’m cross-dominant, meaning I do certain things with my left hand, certain things with my right; it’s split pretty evenly 50/50, but I don’t do stuff with both hands (not ambidextrous).