Can misting precipitation/rain ever cause a flood? If not, why?


Just curious, having random quarantine discussions at home 😅.

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In theory you could get a flood from mist but it’s unlikely and it would require a huge land mass to be misted on for a long time. The softer an less rocky the land is the less chance it has of flooding because the ground absorbs a huge amount of water. So if you live in the prairies I wouldnt expect it but if you live in the mountains I’d say it’s possible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes. Think about a cloud. It is essentially just a cluster of atomized water droplets. However, these conditions only apply for the low pressure and temperature. If we had such a phenomena on earth, like fog, could it cause a flood? I would say yes, but only if there is a temperature difference between the atomized water droplets in the fog compared to the surface in which it is about to flood.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know if it exactly counts.. but the amazon rainforest has a pretty much daily routine of evaporating large amounts of water. This creates a very large fog and usually rain. This fog system becomes comparable a flowing body of water. If you condensed the daily evaporation from the amazon rainforest into a river, it would be the largest river in the world.